La Familia- por Pablo Picasso after Diego Velázquez

Here is  Diego Velazquez’ world famous “Las Meninas ” a portrait of the Spanish princess Margarita and her Ladies in Waiting.  In 1957 Spanish painter Pablo Picasso created a reproduction of “Las Meninas.”




Review for Test 1

Here it is in one place!  Make sure you do more with all of it than just look at it or read it.  Flash cards,, English-Spanish lists, and your own study aids are necessary.

Spanish Test I Review

Months, Dates, and Your Birthday

Your birthday is important, right?  You have to know the Spanish months, numbers, and how to talk about dates.

*Spanish months are not capitalized

*The day is stated before the month– el primero de octubre

Here are the handouts on Days of the Week, Months, and Dates.

Spanish Days, Months, and Dates

Likes & Dislikes- Gustar

Let’s talk about what you like and what you don’t like!  You use the verb GUSTAR to talk about preferences and it is used differently from regular old verbs.

Me gusta la pizza.  I like the pizza.

Me gustan las papas fritas. I like the french fries.

Big idea: gusta is used for one thing and gustan is used for more than one thing.

Please see the handouts and the slide show for full explanation and details.

Expressing Preferences in Spanish: GUSTAR


Unit I: It’s All about Me

Here it is: All About Me Unit One Master List

You will be learning to talk about your favorite subject– YOU- en espanol!  What’s included: Days of the Week, Months, Personal Descriptions, Friends, Familyand a few things that you like to do.

Here is the Master List of Vocabulary and Phrases and Grammar basics that you’ll be responsible for.

Check out this video on the verb SER= TO BE.

Also, here is the first PROJECT: Mis Amigos and Yo: Describing Myself and Others


Spanish Personal Descriptions

Here are some basic, used personal descriptions.  You can describe yourself, YO SOY, another person, EL O ELLA ES . . . , or a group, ELLOS SON. Be sure to watch the narrated slide show too.


Spanish Subject Pronouns

If you’re going to speak Spanish, you’ve got to have the SUBJECT PRONOUNS down.  Sometimes just hammering the pronouns out, memorizing them, and doing activities with them work best.

Here is a packet of fun activities for pronoun-practice.   Spanish Subject Pronoun Activities

The Spanish Months of the Year- Los Meses de Ano

Spanish months: los meses

*months aren’t capitalized in Spanish

enero- January

febrero – February                    

marzo – March

abril – April

mayo – May

junio June

julio July

agosto August

septiembre September

octubre October

noviembre November

diciembre December

The order of the day and date is reversed in Spanish, so you say September 8, 2011: el ocho de septiembre de 2o11

The Days of the Week- Los Días de la Semana

The Spanish Days of the week are:








**please note that they are NOT CAPITALIZED in Spanish.

Here is a podcast or voice-recording of the days of the week, or los días de la semana.

Spanish Days of the Week

Here is our STORY WITH DAYS OF THE WEEK: JUAN PABLO Y LOS DIAS DE LA SEMANA and the PODCAST: Juan Pablo y las Dias de la Semana


Spanish School Supplies-Los Materiales Escolares

Here are the Spanish school supplies, or los materiales escolares, that we’ll learn in class.  Practice with Spanish numbers too!

Spanish School Supplies

Spanish Numbers